I n my previous blog, Rigid to Radical, my last word was: Looking back through the decades at hairstyles and color trends, I see a glimpse of the radicalism that is emerging in society today. This is the second part of that blog. It deals with the subject of morality through those same decades. I view those hairstyles as a foreshadowing of the reality of a new morality which is being embraced in our country today.

Regarding morality, many things that are widely accepted today were taboo back when I was born. In the 1950s marriage and family were held in high regard. Divorce was shunned! My father’s and his brother’s relationship was strained because he came between his brother and his divorced fiancée, due to my grandmother’s objection to the marriage. I am personally grateful that divorce today is widely accepted, as I too have had an unsuccessful first marriage. Thank God I’m happily married to my husband now of 35 years. Times have changed, some things are for the better and others not so much.

Years ago, one had to earn accolades. There was a sense of competitiveness and accomplishment that fostered motivation and drive. You worked hard for what you got. Today, it’s all about an entitlement mentality. So much is just handed to our youth in the spirit of fairness. Who ever said life is fair? Entitlement is a farce and a socialist mentality of evening out the classes. While it is true that class warfare divides, it also drives people to achieve the American dream. There are so many beautiful “rags to riches” stories about the success to be found in our great land. People are rushing our borders to come to this wonderful land of opportunities. And there is nothing wrong with that, if they do it legally!

The good people of the USA work hard for what they have.Their tax dollars now affords law breaking, illegal immigrants benefits that some of our hard working citizens are no longer are eligible to receive. The health insurance fiasco affected my family in ways that infuriated me, but I was told to keep this commentary light, so I will move on.

Entitlement goes much deeper than just equal opportunity achievements for our youth. That was just the beginning of what has now expanded to lawlessness being accepted, as looters and violators now feel entitled to destroy property because of past slavery. They claim that the owners of these properties, (who worked hard to build their business), have insurance to cover the damage so its justifiable. This is a new radicalism that makes the former pale in comparison. I’m sorry but that is just hard for me to fathom!

How about respecting our elders, our leaders, our parents, and our teachers? This has certainly become a thing of the past. God’s word clearly tell us to honor our parents. It’s the first commandment with a promise, that we would do well and live a long life. His word also tells us to respect authority and pray for Kings and rulers, that none are there of their own accord. God has appointed them all to achieve His purposes. And who are we to argue with our maker? Here lies an even more serious problem. They take God out of the picture and deny Him altogether. They removed God from schools and government, and wonder what went wrong with society.

So much so now, that it no longer seems wrong to go against God’s basic Ten Commandments. Anything goes, and if you stand up for what was once common sense morality, you are deemed intolerant. These haters are blind to their own intolerance of Godly Judeo-Christian values. We are allowing government (school programs) and universities to rewrite our history. “They teach that morality is not absolute and thereby create moral confusion.” (Ravi Zaccarias) We are allowing a generation to be raised with depraved indifference to moral values, giving way to a society without boundaries. Im sure you can discern what moral values I am referring to. For they are written in God’s word for all to see, should one desire to know.

The Bible is full of history of people who made terrible mistakes and the consequences resulting from them. Through God’s prophets, instruction is given and the consequences of disobedience are spelled out for people to learn from them. Sadly, history repeats itself. But, the problem with history is that people don’t seem to learn from it. One can’t cancel God’s word just because of past mistakes. It has unsuccessfully been tried time and time again. And yet, God’s word still stands! We can no more cancel the history of our great country and all of its tremendous mistakes, along with its great successes, than we can cancel our own existence. However, if things continue in the direction they are headed, this may one day actually be a reality. And then, who will decide whose existence is worth keeping or cancelling?

We are here in this life for a purpose and it is not our purpose. It is God’s purpose! He created each of us in His own image and made us a little lower than the angels to show what redemption looks like. He gave us free will to choose Him or not. We cannot control the course of events, nor can we contain this virus or even manipulate climate control. God alone is sovereign! He is the judge of the whole earth; and one day we will all be judged, some unto heaven and some unto hell.

In the meantime we must realize our battle is not with each other, but against the powers and principalities of this dark world. It is Satan that is causing this division in our world. He is behind all the lawlessness and entitlement. He is behind all of this division and racism. We are all one race… the human race. It matters not the color of our skin or our political or religious affiliation.

We still have freedom of speech and should be allowed to speak our mind without violence. Even proselytizing, (yes, telling others about Jesus), is acceptable under freedom of speech. You have the freedom to believe it or not! You can’t silence others because you disagree. You can express your disagreement but, there is an acceptable way to go about it, and that is with kindness and love, not hatred and violence. Certainly that is something we should have learned from history. Remember the Spanish Inquisition? That alone speaks volumes. May that history never repeat itself.

We were once a nation defined as the land of the free and the home of the brave. Today bravery to stand up for right and wrong is being over-powered by a brazenness to destroy what others have worked for by their sweat and blood because of jealousy. The old rule of law no longer applies. This brazenness to disobey the law stands in stark contrast to true bravery. While we credit the police with bravery in the light of all this chaos, even they suffer from moral confusion, not to mention the need for better training. It goes beyond black or white and left or right. This lack of morality and new sense of radicalism has infiltrated all walks of life. And as for freedom, we are no longer free to express ourselves, unless it lines up with a specific ideology. Many people today have forgotten that true freedom can’t be had without rules. Society needs a moral compass! It has been said that if we lose our moral compass, we are doomed as a society. I believe this to be true.

Here is a sign of the times taken from God’s Word.

‘What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever.’ Isaiah 5:20-21 NLT

“You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 NLT

“For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3 NLT

Although this has been prophesied, God still hears the prayers of the righteous. Read your Bible, teach your children what is right and what is wrong, pray for society, and especially our country. God help us and may He have mercy on the United States of America, and redeem us out of this pit… at least for a little longer, in Jesus Name I pray. Please remember to join in The Return, coming with the national day of prayer on September 26, 2020

Check out this video of the United States Air force teaming up with Lee Greenwood for the Patriotic God Bless the USA Performance.

Nancy Barbery

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.