I always strived to be beautiful; I’d like to say inside and out, but truth be told, in my younger years, my outward appearance had taken precedence. Perhaps that’s why I chose a career in beauty. My aspirations were to become a fashion model. Cindy Brinkley and Brooke Shields were my idols back in the day (before a relationship with Jesus). But, I was told I was too short and weighed too much. Therefore, instead of being a fashion model, I decided to help others look like one. Naturally, that meant looking the part. Oh how I enjoyed fashion magazines and shopping. I had a wardrobe and hair to show for it. Over time, I developed the skills to become a successful hairdresser.

As a child, my mother always told me you had to suffer to be beautiful. That was a good excuse to stop my whining when she brushed the tangles from my hair. In my teen years, it became my excuse to sleep in wire rollers and wake up in the wee hours of the morning to sit under mom’s professional hair dryer in the upstairs bathroom. I had very bouncy hair with a tightly curled, jellyroll flip. It was the 1960s! I would often parade up and down the stairs modeling different outfits, looking for my mom’s approval of my style and talent.

After years of self-absorbed vanity, and a successful career in the beauty industry, I came to realize “inner beauty” is much more important, and I had things to work on. However, my mother’s words still proved true, you still had to suffer to be beautiful. Achieving inner beauty was actually more painful than outer beauty. It all started with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the outcome of that relationship is far greater than that of a fashion model. Jesus would change me into a princess, His royal princess (a far cry from the “Jewish American Princess” I had strived to become). That politically incorrect acronym (jap) speaks volumes about my former self-absorbed personality. My apologies for that, but the truth must be told for what it is or for what it was, so for what it’s worth, I’ll move on.

Beauty Takes Time

If you have ever purchased a new skin care product to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, you know it’s not instantaneous. Most products, or even a series of facials, promise results over time and it varies depending on the circumstances. The same is true about inner beauty. In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:7, King Solomon wrote, referring to God, “He makes all things beautiful in His time”. I’m here to tell you that becoming a princess requires refinement, and the refinement process takes time! Some of you may recall from one of my earlier blogs titled: Fine Gold Tiara that the process of refinement leading to the crown begins with attaining the Godly wisdom that is found in God’s Word.

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. Prize her highly and she will exalt you; she will honor you if you embrace her. She will place on your head a graceful garland; she will bestow on you a beautiful crown.” (Proverbs 4:7-9)

Much of the writings in Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and the Psalms are written in poetic fashion. In that scripture, wisdom is depicted as feminine. Jesus lived on earth as a man, yet He is referred to as “the Word made flesh”. (In the beginning the word was with God and the Word was God – John 1:1) So, don’t get confused, this (feminine) wisdom is synonymous with the God/man Jesus Christ. I just love God’s characterizing wisdom in the feminine, if you catch my drift, ladies. However, as women, we were created to be man’s helpmate, the completion of God’s creation. We certainly need Godly wisdom to do that!

As people read God’s word, the Holy Spirit (who was sent down to dwell in the hearts of believers) convicts them of all sin and unrighteousness. It is different for each person, as we all mature spiritually in different ways and times. For me, little by little, I was convicted to change certain attitudes of my heart. It is an on-going process. Oftentimes, it takes more than just reading the word and thinking “oh I better stop this or that”, because there are times, we don’t even realize the attitude of our heart. We are too busy making excuses for ourselves. And that’s when God steps in with a little testing…or a lot of testing. This testing process is where refinement happens.

The trials we go through, the unanswered prayers, or the circumstances that haven’t changed in a timely manner to our liking cause anguish and frustration in the waiting. But we must realize that God’s time is not our time! And it’s never just about us individually.

While waiting for a long-time, fiery trial to end in my life, I can see God working in me and in my loved one. I am slowly becoming more beautiful on the inside with each passing day. Remember, God does not look at our outward appearance, he looks at our heart. Lately I’ve been striving to attain the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. (1 Peter 3:4b)

Waiting is a Spiritual Discipline

There are times when waiting for answered prayer leaves me feeling frustrated, and the lies of the devil attack my faith. In those moments when I question God’s timing, I am reminded that God has a reason for everything. Though that sounds cliche, it’s true nevertheless. I loved what I recently discovered in my latest Bible Study, “The Extraordinary Power of Praise”. The author (Becky Harling) quotes Dr. V Raymond Edman (former president of Wheatley College) in this statement: “God uses delay in our life for at least two purposes: to polish us as His instruments, and to set the stage for His will. She goes on to say: God’s goal in my life is not to keep me happy, but to transform me into His image.” So, you see, the discipline of waiting is a tool used by God to refine and shape our character.

For you have tried us O God; You have refined us as silver is refined. (Psalm 66:10)

Because we are all imperfect, unrefined sinners, we must be made Holy to be in right standing with our Heavenly Father and Creator. Praise God, through the blood of Jesus at the cross, the atoning work was finished for believers. Jesus Christ has become the righteousness of God for us. We are equipped with everything we need to get through the refining process. Yet, we are spared none of the pain or suffering that life’s lessons teach us. Jesus said “In this life you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.” He goes on to give believers His authority over their enemies to overcome all the trials that reform them into His image. I seriously doubt any of us will portray the perfect image of God until we meet Him face to face. Let us carefully heed His word that we may not be found lacking.

I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you can become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed, and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. (Revelation 3:18)

Not only is delay a tool used by God to polish us, but he uses “the time spent waiting” to accomplish things in us that will help others in their walk with Christ, or to lead non-believers to Him for salvation. When people see you endure struggles and come out on the other side unscathed and better for it, they will be curious. This is your “golden” opportunity to fulfill your purpose. For we were created to glorify God and lead others to Him. This is how He sets the stage for His will.

What’s Praise Got To Do With It!

Having an attitude of praise is like having a song in your heart. As I wrote this subhead, a visual of Tina Turner’s beautiful legs passed through my mind, but that’s got nothing to do with it! I crack myself up at my attempt at humor, that is probably lost on the young. So, for the young ones, Tina Turner wrote a song called “What’s love got to do with it”.

The best way to endure the waiting is through praise, especially when that’s the “last” thing you feel like doing. You’re not alone in that feeling. But, thank God we have a great role model, a man after God’s own heart, King David. In many of the psalms that he wrote, you can find a pattern of him pouring out his heart to God, in fear, or anxiety or frustration, but always coming back to praising God for who He is and what He has done. This greatly increased his faith and trust in the Lord.

David was not perfect, in fact he was guilty of many sins, but God calls him a man after His own heart. The psalms (many written by David) were used as songs of worship and praise to the Lord. David assigned a group of musicians to be in charge of worship for the Israelites and the psalms were their primary source of inspiration. They were stories of woe, deliverance, hope and joy to remind them of who God was and what His character is like. You can read through the book of psalms and discover so much about God to heal your broken heart, to fill you in times of loneliness, to be your strength in times of weakness, protection from the enemy, shelter in the storm, your light and salvation, and an ever-present help in times of trouble. The list goes on and on.

“The Lord inhabits the praises of His people.” (Psalm 22:3 KJV)

When you Praise God, He is right there with you. Other versions say He is “enthroned” on the praises of His people. That’s like exemplifying God as the Lord of your life, sitting on the throne in your spirit as the Sovereign One. How awesome is that to have a private audience with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

God’s word says we are seated with Him in heavenly places. We are made up of body, mind and spirit. The spirit is not seen, it lives in an unseen dimension. When God is enthroned in your spirit, you are in heavenly places. Praise helps you experience this. When you praise God in the good times and in the bad, it’s a demonstration of faith. And remember, without faith, it is impossible to please God!

Jesus also said, “whatever you ask for, believe it as if you have received it”. What better way to do that than to praise God in the waiting. His time is not our time and His ways are not our ways. They are far greater than anything we can ever ask for or imagine. Imagine that!

Praise is the key to joy, peace, steadfastness, patience and more. It is the key that unlocks the door to heavenly places. I encourage you to try it. You can also check out Becky’s book on praise and a study in the psalms for an anxious heart. (The Extraordinary Power of Praise.) As the Lord transforms your heart into His image, a beautiful person emerges, because true beauty, the beauty that counts is found in waiting. Thanks for reading my blog, I hope you’re encouraged. Until next time, may God bless us all!

Nancy Barbery

Nancy Barbery

I am a long time hair stylist/fashionista who loves the Lord. My desire is to encourage you, help increase your faith and strengthen your soul. Together we can discover your strengths and create new goals and dream new dreams. Change is good! For more information, visit my about me page.